NB Talks

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Colloidal Silver and its Benefits as Antibiotic without Risk

Colloidal silver is basically colloid of silver particles found in water. Colloidal silvers are believed to have natural healing power and works against infections. It is believed the application of colloidal silver on area infected with any kind of infections can kill the infection and heal the infected area. Its antimicrobial properties kill the enzyme that bacteria, virus, and fungi need for oxygen metabolism to survive, hence resulting in suffocation and killing the bacteria, virus, and fungi itself. Although colloidal silver can destroy the enzyme for oxygen metabolism of bacteria, virus, and fungi, it does not directly affect human beings or animals. Colloidal silver can be safely consumed by or externally applied on human beings, animals, and plants. It works well on human being as well as animals and plants of all kind. Colloidal silver is also used to purify water. Application of colloidal silver on open wounds like cuts, bruise, abrasion etc is completely painless and effectively heals the wound. At present availability of genuine purest form of colloidal silver is rare. Although it is still available in its pure form. You can get purest form of colloidal silver from Purest Colloids Inc. at their official website PurestColloids.com. Purest Colloids Inc is also the supporter of Mesosilver products.


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