NB Talks

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Google Link Popularity and Page Rank

Link Popularity and PageRank is an important factor to determine the position of a Search Engine Result Page in Google Search. Link popularity is a positive vote from another website for a website and PageRank is the weight of a website or blog in Google’s Search assigned by Google from 0 to 10 where 0 is the least and 10 is the highest. PageRank is determined through how popular is the website on internet through its number of backlinks. Hence it is very important to increase link popularity in Google to gain better position in search engine result pages or SERPs in Google. It is always preferred to gain more number of backlinks from both higher and lower Pageranked pages than only fewer high PageRanked pages. A good number of backlinks from a combination of high and low pagerank pages works best to gain link popularity and PageRank in Google.


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